

Media Design

What is the best media for you? We believe that form follows function and develop media from the wide range of technologies and formats available, depending on what best supports your goals.  

  • Concept Design
  • Storyboards
  • UX/UI Design
  • Content Research
  • Flow Diagrams
  • AV Functional Specifications

Field and Studio Production

NLP is a complete production company owning the means of production for original filming and audio recording. We are adept at shooting a range of environments, from green screen sets to rugged outdoor wilderness. Our experienced team of staff and collaborator cinematographers has expertise in aerial, animal, nature, high alpine, night sky, event, and sports cinematography, as well as remote location-based filmmaking.

  • Full-service production company
  • Compositing and Chromakey Studio Work
  • Sound Recording
  • Aerial and Drone Cinematography
  • Night sky and Wilderness Cinematography
  • Interviews and Remote Field Support

Interactive and Mobile

Interactive experiences take a range of forms and we are constantly evolving together with technology. Our developers work in a multitude of languages and tools that are determined based on the project and expected hardware integration.

  • Interactive tables and walls 
  • Physical-digital interactives 
  • Gesture-based interactives 
  • Mixed reality 
  • Mobile apps 
  • Virtual reality 
  • Digital signage
  • RFID systems
  • Content Management Systems 

CGI and Animation

NLP’s extensive in-house animation capabilities can bring any project to life with beautiful, captivating visuals. Our graphic and production department has supplied location photography and animated scenes for high-profile series on PBS and HBO, including compositing re-enactors inside 3D rendered environments. (Frederick Douglass in Five Speeches and Reconstruction: America After the Civil War produced by McGee Media.)

  • 3D projection mapping
  • Photo extraction
  • Animated maps, diagrams and 3D topographical maps
  • Kinetic typography
  • Hand-drawn character animation
  • Special effects
  • 3D modeling and environments
  • Character animation  

Films and Linear Media

Our in-house staff guide linear media from pre-production through post-production. We create site-specific films and audio programs that take a range of formats, from projection-mapped surfaces to projection scrims to circular theaters. Our documentaries and broadcast films screen online, on television, and in festivals.

  • Interpretive films
  • Projection mapping
  • Virtual Reality
  • Multi-monitor films
  • Documentaries
  • Television Broadcast films
  • Web Media
  • Audioscapes


We maintain a 1,800 square foot studio space wired for 10G and set up with multiple mobile workstations for hardware prototyping and testing. Additionally, our 6,000 square foot office has a collaboration hub and screening room for built for interactive demonstrations and testing as well as client screenings. We know the importance of testing our programs throughout the production process, from our studios to the installation site.

  • Paper prototyping
  • Proof of concept testing
  • Systems staging
  • Media design development